In company with his wife and a faithful servant he crossed the Alps in midwinter, that he might humble himself before the pope.
他携同王后和一个忠心的仆人,在仲冬严寒的时节,攀越阿尔卑斯高山,以便到教皇之前卑躬服罪。"Based on his earlier confessions, the court expects him to plead guilty, " a court official said.
“根据他之前的供述,法院预计他会服罪,”一名法院官员说。All denied the charges against them and said their confessions were obtained under threat of torture.
这些人都不服罪,称认罪是严刑逼供出来的。In February, three different subsidiaries of Vetco International Ltd. , a British company, pleaded guilty to bribing Nigerian officials.
今年二月,英国VetcoInternationalLtd.公司的三家附属公司对向尼日利亚官员行贿的起诉表示服罪。Anil Kumar, a former McKinsey & Co. partner of Indian origin , has also pleaded guilty as part of the probe.
麦肯锡公司前印度裔合伙人库马尔(AnilKumar)也已经在该调查中服罪。His lawyer says Atlanta Falcon's quarterback Michael Vick will plead guilty to Federal Dogfighting Conspiracy Charges.
亚特兰大鹰队的四分卫迈克尔VICK的律师称迈克尔将对其斗狗的指控服罪。But if you plead guilty today, I'm confident that you'll receive two concurrent five-year terms.
但如果你今天服罪,我有信心你将被判同时进行的5年刑期,也就是说5年后你就能出狱。To the court too I should say why I plead guilty to the charge of promoting disaffection towards the Government established by law in India.
至于我的罪名--鼓动对印度依法建立的政府的不满,我也应该对法庭说明一下为什么我表示服罪。The embarrassed professor pleaded not guilty to the charge of driving while intoxicated .