He handed out all of the tests and went back to his desk to wait. Once the test was over, the students all handed the tests back in.
他分发了所试卷并回到他的桌子前等待。考试结束后,学生们把考卷交了。I'd gotten my math test back and was happy to see that I got a 93.
我拿回了我的数学考卷并很高兴地看到我得了93分。That said, I reserve the right to resubmit my examination paper if Europe's leaders are foolish enough to let the euro zone sink.
尽管如此,我仍保留重新提交考卷的权利,以防欧洲领导人愚蠢到听任欧元区解体的地步。wasn't allowed to take it out of the exam room.
很抱歉,我不准把考卷带出考室。We were hard put to it to finish the examination in the required length of time.
我们几乎不能在规定的时间内把考卷做完。And yet test prep companies leapt to action, printing new books tailored to the new test and organizing classes.
而备考公司已经纷纷卷起袖子行动起来了,他们开始出版专门针对新考卷的教材,开设新的辅导班。When she saw me lean over to talk to the girl next to me, it looked as though I was copying answers from the girl's test paper.
当她看到我瘦了交谈女孩我旁边,看上去就像我是仿制女孩的考卷答案。In one sitting, one pair of Tongzhuo pay the same examination papers, but the teachers think they certainly did not Zuobi, which is why.
在一次考试中,一对同桌交了一模一样的考卷,但老师认为他们肯定没有做弊,这是为什么?Mike: Oh, certainly. Oh, certainly. I'm sure you're gonna wanna file that with all the rest of your bogus A pluses .