The last decade has witnessed a serious rise in the levels of racism and hostility to Black and ethnic groups.
Philadelphia may be known as home of the establishment and ethnics.
Race , national , origin, region, city, and religion are all coming together in new ways.
种族裔源 、 地区 、 城市 、 宗教,全以新的方式一起出现.
Also, racism and discrimination prevent minority children attending school.
同时, 种族主义及歧视仍然是导致少数族裔的儿童不能上学主因.
Ethnic minorities struggle against prejudice and poverty.
About 20% of the leadership today is diverse.
These tribes are being increasingly marginalised and in a certain sense much exploited the majority population.
First IVE Foundation Diploma course tailor made for Ethnic Minorities funded by the Kadoorie Foundation.
Her genuine care and devoted and support of many ethnic minority residents in Hong Kong.
Over half of Du Pont's new hires for professional and managerial positions are minorities and women.
Sixty - eight percent of District of Columbia residents are minorities, and most of them are black.
而百分之六十八的哥伦比亚特区居民也是少数族裔, 大部分是黑人.
This is a controversial new law that gives preferential treatment to certain minority groups.
Yet one of these groups is a minority, while the other wields real power.
少年属于少数族裔, 警察则握有实权.
Hawaii has's highest percentage of minorities, 75 percent, most of whom are Asians.
夏威夷居民人口中少数族裔占75%, 全美比率最高, 其中大部分是亚裔.
The ethnic, geographic and racial profiling goes into assembling classes at the top - tier colleges and universities.
一流 院校的课堂刻意汇集来自各族裔 、 区域与种族的学生.