THE mood in Britain on October 20th combined that of a football cup final and a state funeral.
十月二十号,英国处在一种足球总决赛般激动人心和国葬般肃穆交织的情绪中。No matter how brilliant you think you may be, the day will come when you will be told in no uncertain terms that you are laughably wrong.
不管你认为自己多聪明,总有一天,生活都会毫不留情地告诉你你是错的。I know there are some types of music I can't stand, no matter how much I try to give it a chance.
因为我知道总有那么些音乐,不论我多么努力地想试着去欣赏,我都是不能忍受的。If a young man of his career attitude, can judge, moving a center with him yet, his career total to his nature is not suitable.
假使一个青年对自己从事的事业态度游移,则可断定,他还没有怀着一个中心意志,他的事业总还与他的天性不尽适合。The next day I received a call from the general manager of the Whataburger I had visited.
第二天我就收到了那家店的总经理打来的电话。c. She has got many black looks for her speech criticizing the general manager of our company.
她因为说了批评公司总经理的话而面露悻色。also felt we were kind of imprisoned as we had to buzzed in and out of hotel and had to return keys back and forth everytime we left.
另外,我们每次进出旅店,还要来来回回跟总台借钥匙,感觉像坐监狱一样,很不自在。I kept going out with him, but something stopped me from getting engaged.
我继续和他交往,但总有什么让我不想和他订婚。Janice Min, the editor-in-chief of Us Weekly, reckons the content of her magazine and its associated website overlap by no more than 15%.