The experimental result showed that the total yield of allantoin can be obviously increased by recycling the reaction mother solution once.
实验表明,将反应后分离出尿囊素的母液循环利用一次可明显提高尿囊素的总收率。Imidacloprid was synthesized through four steps by the method using 3-methylpyridine as starting material. The total yeild was 43%.
并以3-甲基吡啶为起始原料经四步反应合成了吡虫啉,总收率为43%。Results showed that the total yield increased to 35% from 10% comparing with the other technology process.
结果表明,与文献报道的工艺技术相比,总收率由10%提高至35%。In this paper, bendazac lysine was synthesized from phenyl hydrazine by 4 steps, and an overall yield was up to 46. 8%.
本文报道以苯肼为起始原料,经4步反应,制得苄达赖氨酸,总收率可达46.Gross profit is a IT calculation of income minus the cost of the goods of services sold.
总利润的计算很简朴,是指用总收进减往售出商品及效力的成本。CONCLUSION This method is suitable for industrialization, with high yield the materials are easily obtained with high yield.
结论本法原料易得,操作简单,总收率高,是理想的工业化生产路线。Supervise all General Cashier and Income Audit Transactions. Balance cash clearance account.
管理总收银及收入审计的所有事项,平衡现金结算帐户。Results: The total yield of the target peptide was 42% .
结果:总收率42%,目标化合物结构经质谱鉴定。The overall yields of luteolin and robot, calculated from phloroglucinol as the starting material, were 22% and 15%, respectively.