
汉语拼音:zǒng chēng



  1. 总的称谓。

    金 王若虚 《五经辨惑上》:“夫妻者所以对夫嫡配之总称也,妇人者所以对男子女子之总称也。” 章炳麟 《国故论衡·文学总略》:“ 董仲舒 云‘《春秋》文成数万’,兼彼经传,总称为文。” 魏巍 《谁是最可爱的人·战士和祖国》:“‘祖国’呵,可见你是一切神圣美丽的东西的总称!”


  • "Gymnastics" is always stated to all gymnastics project, which project but isn't is concrete the name.


  • Carbide: Inorganic compound, any of a class of chemical compounds in which carbon is combined with a metal or semi metallic element.


  • It's pretty easy to see how a bugnet's name could pan out to become what we call any number of kinds of awnings and overhanging tents.


  • Information technology is mainly used to deal with the management and information used by the general term for a variety of techniques.


  • Blade: The expanded part of a leaf or petal. The term is often loosely used to include the entire leaf of grasses and similar plants.


  • Alzheimer disease is the most common cause of dementia, but it is often used as an umbrella term for several conditions causing dementia.


  • "Wo is a registered " and " Wo " is millet, millet, rice, sorghum crops like the general term " landing " means that mature.


  • "Sha tympany" sprang up in Qing dynasty with its range expanding rapidly and became the generic name of epidemics and unknown diseases.


  • The designation of any conductors, terminal or any element connected to the neutral point of a polyphase system.
