The birds chirp merrily at the top of tree.
The dew on the branches drizzled our hair and shoulders.
Watch that bird taking off from the branch!
The branches leaned down to the ground, heavy with the weight of the fruit.
The green buds covered the branches like a delicate rain.
Yellow dust was dropping from the lime trees.
The birds were twittering and trilling in the tall leafy boughs of oak and elm.
There, in a lovely dusk of green, the heart of Moses Herzog hangs like a peach.
就在那儿, 在可爱的绿色暮霭中, 摩西·赫索格的心象一颗桃子,挂在枝头.
He saw roses winding about the rain spout; or mulberries - birds gorging in the mulberry tree.
他会看到玫瑰花绕在水管上, 或者是看到在桑树枝头上使劲啄食的小鸟.
The mood with branches of a gentle breeze, the and valleys.
心情和着枝头一缕温柔的轻风, 起伏跌宕.
The drop at midnight fog, quietly parting with the old branches.
在午夜的落雾中, 悄然的与昔日的枝头别离.
Annual Xia Qiu, pomegranate, orange, banana, grape hangs full branch.
每年夏秋, 石榴 、 柑桔 、 香蕉 、 葡萄挂满枝头.
The pink of the apple - blossom is beginning to show.
Energy efficiency is not low - hanging fruit; it is fruit lyingground.
能源的高效利用不是还挂在枝头的生水果, 而是已经成熟的果子.
It had so long wings but it didn't fly, perching idly.
它有那麽长的翅膀,却不飞翔, 懒懒地站在枝头上.