A fiddly task like threading a needle often makes you frown.
He thought there was too much detail on sharing the nuclear deterrent.
The banker's speech was fluent, but it was also copious.
银行家的话滔滔不绝, 但也烦琐冗杂.
The job had become reduced quickly to its onerous humiliating routine.
There are a variety of complicated procedural devices set out in exhaustive detail in the section.
If the bulk of New England writing was ponderous, at least it was rarely trivial.
假使大部分新英格兰作品沉闷乏味,那么, 至少烦琐浅薄得还不够.
Howev er the calculation of fuzzy matrix and defuzzification is very tedious.
The manual tension and the network is a simple and traditional method.
Any class that contains abstract method must also be abstract.
" Trivia,'she said after a pause. " Yes. You may call me Trivia. "
“ 烦琐. ” 停顿后的她这样回答, “ 对,你可以叫我烦琐. ”
This method cumbersome and time - consuming, low survival rate has been less application.
这种手术方法烦琐、费时 、 成活率较低,现已较少应用.
Thick and heavy dictionary, Unfamiliar word, Complicated grammar, Allow him lose interest to English.
厚重的字典, 陌生的单词, 烦琐的语法, 让他对英语已经失去了兴趣.
Laser printers are very common, is to make text class the easiest way to do.
激光印字机不彼不纬不入格个别, 是制息笔墨类底片的最烦琐的办法.
Machine maintenance work is trivial and boring, but Xiao Wang still treats It'seriously and carefully.
机务工作烦琐, 但小王仍认真仔细地对待.
Therefore, the production of steel sheet data only looks simple terms, it is very cumbersome.
因此钢筋表的制作看起来只是数据的简单计算, 其实是很烦琐的.