No cop for yours, ' said the waiter, with a voice like butter cakes and an eye like the cherry in a Manhattan cocktail. ' Hey, Con! '
“你们这种人不值得叫警察,”堂倌说,他的声音粘糊糊的像奶油蛋糕,一只眼睛像曼哈顿鸡尾酒里的一颗樱桃。“嗨,你这个罪犯!”The original script called for Bossk to be a "slimy, tentacled monster with two huge, bloodshot eyes in a soft baggy face. "
原来的剧本称博斯克为“粘糊糊的触手怪,松软下垂的脸上有一双布满血丝的大眼睛。”Neuroscientists used to think glia were simply the sticky stuff that holds neurons together.
神经学家过去认为这些粘糊糊的胶质只是用来把神经元黏合在一起。She cried , leaning back and looking while the thick tears went over her eyes .
她惊叫了起来,身子微微后仰,朝天看了看,眼睛里充满了粘糊糊的泪水。So for cases in which a real dissection would be too slimy , it's time to try some toad tech.
因此如果真正的解剖太粘糊糊的话,那么是时候该试试一些蛤蟆科技了。I felt pretty good but the sweat seemed to be pouring off me from the heat.
我感觉还不错,只是炎热似乎使我挥汗如雨,全身都粘糊糊的。On the wet chopping board, a few bloody shreds, seasoned flour with a red sticky edge.
在潮湿的切菜板上有几块血渍,边上沾着粘糊糊红色的风干的面粉。a fungus with a reddish purple cap having a smooth slimy surface; close violet gills; all parts stain dark purple when bruised.
一种菌类,有略带红色的平滑而粘糊糊的紫帽子;紧密的紫罗兰色的肉垂;当被撞伤时,所有部分将被染上深紫色。The fabric was vulnerable to changes in the weather, becoming stiffer in the cold and stickier in the heat.