He looked calm and cold, full of self-control. His face showed he had fought against passion and won, but did not like being the winner.
他看起来沉静又冷峻,充满了自制力。他的神情显示出他经历了一场与情欲的战斗,而且他赢了,但他却不喜欢成为这样一个胜者。So am I wrong to follow #4? Is it a waste of self-control to monitor my eating like this, without getting the pay-off of weight loss?
所以第四条是不是不对?如此这般地监督我的饮食是不是在浪费了自制力,还不会有减肥的效果呢?。To avoid being led into the "dark side" by our strengths, we need to retain some of that self-awareness and restraint.
为了避免步入我们的优点的“黑暗面”,我们需要保留一些自知之明和自制力。Naturally the exact situation has a huge effect on how much self-control we can exert.
自然而然,实际情况对我们自制力的发挥有着巨大影响。He exudes both competence and self-contained charisma, and has been called a "rock star" by one PR executive who used to work with him.
托莱达诺散发出能力与自制力的双重魅力,一位曾与他共事的公关高管把他称为“摇滚明星”。Susan married a man who appeared to be unemotional and self-possessed but who turned out to have a soft centre.
苏珊嫁给了一个看起来冷漠有自制力的男人,可没想到他原来是一个软心肠呢。But there is also the matter of self-restraint and good taste, and I lament their passing from American society.
但这里还有个自制力和品位的问题,我为它们从美国社会消亡而扼腕。Give this affair to Clemenza and tell him to be sure to use reliable people, people who will not be carried away by the smell of blood.
把这件事情交给克莱门扎,告诉他一定要用可靠的人,不会因血腥味失去自制力的人。It was a display of unusual restraint in a country where officials and businessmen rarely bother to ask if their habit offends.