I'd understood the words, but I didn't, as it were, understand the question.
She couldn't tell if he was being snide, so she took the question straight.
He keeps the letter of the law but not the spirit.
The literal meaning of'Geodesy'is'Dividing the Earth '.
“大地测量学”的字面意义是 “ 划分地球 ”.
His idea of a fugitive was only an idea of theletters that spell the word.
What he had said sounded well and created a great seeming of fairness.
Yeah that stuff stinks. Like literally stinks and also as in stinks.
没错,那东西真的很臭. 就像它字面上的意思这麽臭,而实际上也真的臭.
Jaynes dismisses such educated readings, preferring to take the literal meaning seriously.
Jaynes扔掉了这样的经过修饰的理解, 而更倾向于认真地采用字面意思.
Qing dumplings , or literally Green Dumplings, are made of rice flour.
清代饺子, 饺子或从字面上绿色, 是由大米面粉.
And unearthing the past often means literally and studying the evidence.
All characters are ordinary, the expression is a literal string.
所有字符都是普通的, 表达式是字面字符串.
Cobb: James, we about this. Mommy's not here anymore.
我们谈谈这件事. 妈妈已经不在了(字面义: 妈妈不再在这里了).
The investment model allows investors to literally own their own hotel room.
Butt augmentation, or butt implants, which is exactly what It'sounds like.
丰臀或隆臀手术, 听字面意思就懂得是啥子.
As of Thursday, Feb 22, the M & K Factory is closed.
字面上理解, 应该是说M & K的一家工厂在2月22日关闭了.