If you can supply me with more information on the copyrights, I will discuss the matter with our editor-in-chief.
若贵方能提供更多的有关著作权的情况,我将和总编讨论此事。This was in the fall of 1994, and I'll never forget the afternoon the editor-in-chief asked me if I wanted my own column.
而我永远都不会忘记1994年的一天下午,总编问我是否想有个属于自己的专栏。The new journalist was told off by the editor-in-chief, for the readers were averse to the front page story he had written.
总编狠狠地训斥了那位刚上任的记者,因为他采编的头版新闻不受读者的欢迎。It was pointed out in particular by John Simpson, the OED's Chief Editor as the first word he ever worked on when he joined the OED in 1976.
《词典》的总编约翰·辛普森特别提到了它,因为queen是他在1976年加入词典编辑部时第一个探究的单词。Guo Hongchao, a senior editor at the newspaper, said the staff was stunned by the officially sanctioned persecution of Mr. Qiu.
《经济观察报》总编助理郭宏超说,得知对仇子明的迫害是官方批准的,全体工作人员都感到震惊。But when they moved to Chicago so he could take a job on the Sun-Times, his managing editor ordered her to shelve her ambitions.
但当他们为了她丈夫到《芝加哥太阳报(Sun-Times)》工作而搬到芝加哥时,她丈夫的执行总编命令她收敛自己的野心。There is a plan, described as being in its "embryonic" stage, to split the position of editor in chief from that of director general.
有一个正处于萌芽阶段的计划,即准备把总编的职位从总经理中分离出来。The managing editor, Wang Shuo, announced on Twitter that he had quit but did not give a reason.
而杂志执行总编王烁也在twitter上宣布辞职,但并未给明理由。The editor said she told him, without elaboration, that Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service was against it.