
汉语拼音:zhōng chéng




  1. 亦作“ 中呈 ”。指中等射程。如:中程导弹。

  2. 亦作“ 中呈 ”。合乎法度。


  3. 合乎要求、规格。

    《汉书·陈万年传》:“以律程作司空,为地臼木杵,舂不中程,或私解脱钳釱,衣服不如法,輒加罪笞。”《宋史·李若谷传》:“补长社县尉,州葺兵营,课民输木,檄尉受之,而吏以不中程多退斥。”《明史·曾同亨传》:“军器自外输,率不中程,奏请半收其直。” 清 魏源 《<定盦文录>序》:“ 源 既论定其中程者,校正其章句违合者,凡得文若干篇,为十有二卷。”

  4. 符合期限。

    汉 桓宽 《盐铁论·水旱》:“卒徒作不中呈,时命助之。”


    • Forty - two medium - range nuclear missiles were being unpacked and prepared for launching pads with desperate speed.

      四十二 枚中程核导弹正在拼命加快地拆箱,准备装到发射台上.

    • DAE had ordered 70 mid - range A 320 jets and 30 long - range A 350 - 900 s.

      迪拜航空企业集团订购了70架 中程 A320客机和30架远程A350-900客机.

    • They are classified as intercontinental, long - range, medium - range and short - range missiles.

      它们分别为洲际导弹 、 远程导弹 、 中程导弹、 近程 导弹.

    • A real - time calculation method of RCS for formation of aircraft is studied.

      研究中程警戒雷达仿真中飞机编队平均雷达反射截面的 实时 计算问题.

    • Admiral McVadon worries about their development of DF - 21 ( CSS - 5 ) medium - range ballistic missiles.

      麦克瓦顿将军对中国DF-21 ( CSS -5 ) 中程 弹道飞弹的进展不无担心.

    • Iran also successfully fired - and - range missiles in the drills.

      伊朗也成功的在训练当中试射了 中程 和远程导弹.

    • China also deploys three intermediate - range ballistic missile ( IRBM ) and medium - range ballistic missile ( MRBM ) categories.


    • Mid - range documentation should be made for orientation purposes, illustrating where the latent fingerprint evidence was located.

      中程 文件应为取向的目的, 说明那里潜指印的证据所在地.

    • Its range Philippines He Ke joyful has captured the horse and uneven bars'gold medal respectively.


    • We would follow agreement on the land - based missiles with limits on other intermediate - range systems.

      在就 陆基 导弹达成协议之后,我们将接着对其他 中程 导弹系统实行限制.

    • The newest medium - range airliners have two engines and medium and long - range planes have three.

      最新的 中程 客机装有两个发动机,中远程客机装有三个发动机.