
汉语拼音:zuò xiǎo



  1. 低声下气。

    元 关汉卿 《单刀会》第一折:“ 曹孟德 心多能做小, 关云长 善与人交。” 元 李五 《虎头牌》第四折:“一任你昨日的供招依然在,休想他低头做小心肠改。”

  2. 做小老婆。

    《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十一:“ 文姬 是先娶的,须让他做大;这边 朱 家,又是官家小姐,料不肯做小,却又两难。”《儒林外史》第二六回:“因他有几分颜色,从十七岁就卖与 北门桥 来 家做小。” 陈登科 《赤龙与丹凤》二二:“还有的说,你妈妈养在 宋蚒 家,悄悄给 潘一豹 做小了。”参见“ 做大 ”。


    • to undergo minor surgery


    • She combined some sugar, flour and butter to make some cookies.

      她把白糖 、 面粉和黄油和在一起做小甜饼.

    • This one blacked his shoes, that toasted his bread, others would fag out.

      有的替他擦鞋, 有的替他烤面包, 有的做小打杂.

    • Go and bring a board to make the pegs!


    • Can you make dress down for her younger sister?

      你能把她妹妹的这件衣服做小点 吗 ?

    • The doctor suggests that he do little but strenuous exercise.


    • First, the TCP model is linearized about the operating point.

      首先, 对TCP模型在工作点处做小信号线性化.

    • Lift newspaper ! upstair made small broad cast!

      举报! 楼上做小广告!

    • But also meet according to examinee an examination the adjustment that volunteer number makes small range.


    • To Be a small Fish a Big Pond or a Big Fish a Small Pond?


    • Then, while maintaining that pitch attitude, make small adjustments in power to hold your altitude.

      然后, 当保持那沥青态度, 做小调整在力量举行您的高度.

    • Do not trees. on grass to do in order to decorate their own green earth.

      做不了大树. 就做小草.以自己的绿色装点大地.

    • But some kids want to rebel and that's where the pirate outfit comes in.


    • Did he gain his precarious bread petty trade, by menial toil, by violence, or by theft?

      他究竟是在做小生意, 当奴仆, 还是靠打家劫舍来获得朝不保夕的口粮 呢 ?

    • Me, too! My favorite recipe is for veal cooked with olive oil and white wine.

      我也是! 我最喜欢的菜谱是用橄榄油和白葡萄酒做小牛肉.