汉语拼音:fú guāng lüè yǐng
水面上的反光,一掠而过的影子。比喻对事物观察不细致,印象不深。唐褚亮《临高台》诗:“浮光随日度,漾影逐 波深。”
- 【解释】:水面的光和掠过的影子,一晃就消逝。比喻观察不细致,学习不深入,印象不深刻。
- 【出自】:唐·禇亮《临高台》诗:“浮光随日度,漾影逐波深。”
- 【示例】:学问从实地上用功,议论自然确有根据;若~,中无成见,自然随波逐流,无所适从。
◎清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第十八回 - 【语法】:联合式;作宾语、状语、定语;含贬义
Both in-person and email or voice contact give us a sense of the other individual- but this is only a brief snapshot of who they may be.
双方的互动,邮件和电话让我们感受到另一个人的存在——但是这只是他们的一些浮光掠影。Fleeting youth passed me as a time of reflection at the time of the journey into some of the text.
青春浮光掠影般走过我的年华,倒影在时间的旅途上,变成了一些文字。Not the car, eat and drink, skimming over the surface of play, and then return to the plain ordinary trivial.
还不是坐车,吃喝,浮光掠影的游玩,然后回到平淡的寻常琐屑。When did it all begin, this urge to do it now, to get it over with, to skim the surface of life?
现在就干的欲望,立刻干完的欲望,对待生活浮光掠影的欲望,这一切都是从什么时候开始的?Let her beloved if he have if have no naturally in dear mother's eyes shimmer, leaves a impression.
让心爱的他若有若无自然而然的在亲爱的妈妈眼里浮光掠影而过,留下片刻印象。On this past trip, we only scratched the surface of Paris.
上一次的旅行,我们仅仅提要到画都巴黎的浮光掠影而已。Life is not about significant details, illuminated a flash. Photographs are.
生命并不只是那些重要万分、影响深远的细节、浮光掠影的闪现,但照片是。From dependence to independence, To free from restraint, Like surface.
从依赖到独立,从束缚到自由,浮光掠影般。She started to skim through the report, then slowed down, then stopped.