汉语拼音:shǐ zhōng rú yī
- 【解释】:始:开始;终:结束。自始自终一个样子。指能坚持,不间断。
- 【出自】:《荀子·议兵》:“虑必先事而申之以敬,慎终如始,终始如一,夫是之谓大吉。”
- 【示例】:吾观关胜义气凛然,~,军师不必多疑。
◎明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第六十七回 - 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语;含褒义
Israel has invariably chosen to turn a deaf ear to turkey's occasionally fierce rhetoric for the sake of that strategic liaison.
以色列为了战略联盟起见,对土耳其偶尔激烈的言辞始终如一地选择了充耳不闻。Voters seem to like this consistency, though they have shown little of it themselves.
尽管选民们自己很少表现出这种始终如一,但是他们似乎很喜欢这种人。Uniform motion in a circle was at once changing and yet changeless, since it endlessly repeated itself.
始终如一的圆周运动既在变化又没有变化,因为它只是在不断地重复自己。My theme was constant, that the war had to be ended as an act of policy, not in response to demonstrations.
我的主题是始终如一的,那就是,战争的结束必须是一种政策行动而不是对示威的反应。He took the back seat of the carriage, after a feeble bow or two, and speech of thanks, polite to the last, and resolute in doing his duty.
他有气无力地鞠了一两个躬,说了许多感谢的话,表现了始终如一的礼数和尽责到底的决心,这才坐上马车的后座。Try to be consistent in correcting her, says Pawel; otherwise, she'll keep testing to see if she really needs to talk politely.
在纠正孩子的过程中你自己要始终如一,否则,他就会不停地考验你,来看看她是不是真要有礼貌地说话。The veins in your complex, I read you as if thousands of years of ups and downs with depression, read your piety has always been the same.
在你错综的叶脉里,我仿佛读懂了你千百年来的曲折与苦闷,读懂了你始终如一的虔诚。Theirs was a charm that must have continued to exist, like the flower in the desert, even when there was nobody there to see it.
女人的魅力始终如一,像沙漠中的花儿,即便根本没人欣赏,也依然怒放着。Yorke' s shadowy side found sympathy and affinity in the whole of his wife' s uniformly overcast nature.