You'll be impressed with the brightness and the beauty of the colors.
The brightly-coloured boats ply between the islands.
He likes sombre, muted colours — she likes bright colours.
The freshness of her beauty was indeed gone, its indescribable majesty and its indescribable charm remained.
她那明艳的秀色固然已经一去不返, 可是那描写不尽的端庄,说不尽的风韵,仍旧不减当年.
After the rain, flowers in garden look more bright and beautiful.
雨后, 花园里的花儿显得格外明艳!
Fun and fresh with bright accents, yellow stitching and a striped lining.
明艳的装饰风格带着几分趣味又颇为新颖; 黄色的针脚和带有条纹的衬里.
Brilliant light green color.
The brightly - colored flowers keep most of their color.
If the sunlight is beautiful, in that vehicle even more appeared is bright - colored moving.
如果阳光明媚, 那车内就更加显得明艳动人了.
Small body, bright red color, stylish diamond lattice embroider, how beautiful it is!
小巧精致的包身样式, 明艳的大红色彩, 时尚的菱格绣花,让人无不惊叹其美.
High - strength tempered glass , good transmission; the mirror with different colors to various Herbert lights light color.
高强度钢化玻璃, 透光性好; 配合不同颜色的镜面,能照出各种明艳的光色.
A beautiful , strong gold color with vanilla, flowers and citrus fruit on the nose.
浓郁的金黄色泽, 明艳动人.散发着香草 、 花朵与柑橘的芬芳.
The slim bottle and clear perfume resemble a modern woman of classic elegance and nobleness.