Sheep Head, Morocco. After it has been sitting in the open amongst the flies all day, bring it home and boil it up into a soup.
产自摩洛哥,把放在外面一整天、围满苍蝇的羊头带回家煮汤,然后……Cooked by gentle heat at least more than two hours, Canton soup is not only of good taste, but also abundant of the love from the cook.
广东的老火靓汤经过至少两小时的温火煮熬,不仅美味好喝,而且满载着煮汤者的爱心。black beans black beans also known as Wu Dou, you can health blood, UFA, postpartum Wudou soup can also be used to drink.
黑豆黑豆又称乌豆,可以生血、乌发,产后也可用乌豆煮汤喝。Add some green beans in the porridge or single-use mungbean soup, a refreshing thirst quencher, detoxification, Sheng Jin diuretic effect.
在煮粥时加些绿豆或单用绿豆煮汤,有消暑止渴,清热解毒,生津利尿等作用。You can also put the pulp into a nut bag, then boil in water to make soup.
可以把这些渣放在过滤袋里,用来煮汤。Chinese yam can be soup, you can also join together with boiled rice, with anti-aging and the hypoglycemic effect.
山药可煮汤,也可以加入米一起煮,具有抗衰老和降血糖的作用。You hand in this, you must first lay eggs, and then up to a good egg, and then start making soup, and so on, can you do this?
在这款手游里,你首先要先把鸡蛋打好,然后要搅好鸡蛋,然后开始煮汤等等,你能做好这一切吗?In China people can make a soup with lily bulbs after they are dried up in the sun.
在中国,百合的球根晒干后更可用来煮汤。Nostoc soup can also be used postpartum women in cooking, as the blood use.