The heart is only giving away with a tear and a song, my love.
心是应该和一滴眼泪、一首诗歌一起送给人的,我爱。Only the veins disappear. . . . . . like a little bit of a softie, as it is in its own, is unable to detect its presence.
只有散尽……就像一滴柔弱的水纹,它即有它的成在,又无法寻出它的存在。A cell looks like a bit of clear jelly with a thin wall round it.
在显微镜下,细胞看上去如一滴透明的胶状物体,周围有一层很薄的壁。If I were a tear in your eye, I would fall down on your lips, kiss you.
假如本人是你眼中的一滴泪,本人会落在你的唇上,吻你。It resembles a pot whose bottom has dropped away: regardless of how much water is poured in, not a drop is retained.
这就如同一个底部脱落的水罐,灌多少水,也不会保留一滴。The shape of this amazing fishbowl was inspired by a water drop which was ready to flow over the edge of the surface it was resting on.
这个样貌奇特的鱼缸的设计灵感,来自于一滴即将从它正停留表面滑落的水珠。Children with our love is the mother of flowers and plants, water and into the growth of the children from mother each drop of love.
儿女是母亲用自己的爱浇灌而成的花草,儿女的成长离不开母亲的每一滴爱。of water in a torrent, he had no alternative but to be swept along by the multitude around him, his feet barely touching the ground.
他仿佛急流里的一滴水滴,没有回旋转侧的余地,只有顺着大众的势,脚不点地地走。"You are! " He took down his drink as if it were a drop in the bottom of a glass. "How you ever get anything done is beyond me. "