汉语拼音:yī qiū zhī hé
同一土山里的貉。比喻都是同类。《汉书·杨恽传》:“古与今,如一丘之貉。” 后比喻两者是同类的坏人。貉(hé):也叫狗獾。
- 【解释】:丘:土山;貉:一种形似狐狸的野兽。一个土山里的貉。比喻彼此同是丑类,没有什么差别。
- 【出自】:《汉书·杨恽传》:“若秦时但任小臣,诛杀忠良,竟以灭亡,令亲任大臣,即至今耳,古与今如一丘之貉。”
- 【示例】:否塞晦盲,真若~。
◎严复《救亡决论》 - 【语法】:偏正式;作宾语;含贬义
Tens of thousands of refugees had been killed in his journey west; in that sense Kabila was no better than his predecessor.
叛军在西进过程中杀害了数万难民;从这一角度来说,卡比拉同他的前任都是一丘之貉。That loser Pam ran into my ex-boyfriend Charlie. Birds of a feather flock together , I guess .
那个失败者帕姆投奔到我的前男友查理那里去了,我看他们都是一丘之貉。Some disciples whom cheated around and broke commandants, they were birds of one feather and formed a small clique.
另外,一些在外面招摇撞骗、不守戒律的人,他们也是一丘之貉,物以类聚地各自形成一个小团体。Nervous Western oil companies give millions to local schools and hospitals to avoid being tarred with the same brush.
紧张不安的西方石油公司给当地学校和医院大笔的钱,以免被看做一丘之貉。He has conspired against me like the rest, and they are but birds of a feather.
他和其余的人一样阴谋和我作对,他们是一丘之貉。Prejudice and contempt, cloaked in the pretense of religious or political conviction are no. different.
带着宗教或政治面具的偏见和轻蔑也都是一丘之貉。I'm not surprised these two are such friends; they are birds of a feather flock together.
这两个人交上朋友我毫不奇怪,他们是一丘之貉。Chinese investors fled, yet the ascendant opposition still linked them to the dictator.
中国投资者逃之夭夭,然而得势的反对派还是把他们与独裁者看做一丘之貉。Those two are birds of a feather! They love to gossip.