His painting went through both representational and abstract periods.
Expressionism is art that shows emotions and ideas through non - representational - forms non - representational forms.
抽象表现主义就是这样一种通过 非 具象的形式表达感情和想法的艺术.
The realistic pottery designs look more attractive.
Concrete and abstract paintings are of the two significant patterns in the history of art.
It combined the concrete and abstract, in a sense, was an intuition of psychology.
它是具象与抽象的交融, 是一种心理直觉.
Beauty is a kind of feeling from abstract or representation which can make people pleasure.
Capture highlevel, stable concepts in abstract classes and interfaces and provide implementations using concrete classes.
在抽象的类和接口中捕捉高级 、 稳定的概念,并用具象类实现.
I have been grafting the representation of the pineapple to the material identity of cement.
Expressionism is art that shows emotions and ideas through long representation or non - representational forms.
Separate abstract classes and interfaces from the concrete classes to form stable and unstable packages.
In other words , concrete paintings have abstract expressions, and abstract paintings include factors paintings.
具象绘画中含有抽象表现性因素; 抽象绘画中也含有具象再现性因素.
Therefore, the soft - realism is not the abstract painter's works, not like, nor is it image!
因此, 软现实主义画家的作品不抽象, 不具象, 也不是意象!
Additionally, this paper also discussed the domestic responses for new figurative painting from china.
此外, 本文还探讨了来自中国本土对新具象绘画的回应.
The canvas works rely mainly on the fact that alike, is at the human body particularly.
油画作品以具象写实为主,典型的现实主义画风, 尤以人物人体见长.
Will live the spiritual sublimation, Is art, The artistic charm embodiment, Is lives.
将生活的精神升华, 就是艺术; 将艺术的魅力具象, 就是生活.