The item , as retailed, is romantic in the extreme.
It was the only romantic attitude in his heavy mind and body.
It'seemed to him the very soul of romance.
He was despotic, and she liked freedom; he was worldly, and she, perhaps, romantic.
他专横独断, 她却爱好自由; 他耽于利欲, 她却也许有点罗曼蒂克.
Immediately what little romantic glamour this Christmas homecoming had held for her was dissipated.
But for true romantics, love is the most important thing in life.
但是对于一些追求真正的罗曼蒂克的人, 爱是生命中最重要的.
I like action movies, but Teresa likes romantic movies.
我喜欢打斗片, 但是德丽莎喜欢罗曼蒂克的电影.
Pleasure trips will be and bring about possible romance.
Oh, Evan! I didn't know you were so romantic!
哦, 艾凡! 没想到你这么罗曼蒂克!
I doubt that his vacation was very romantic.
We had a romantic candlelit dinner last night.
Falling in love with foreigners, romantic travel, sharing religious ceremonies, and romantic commitments are promoted.
与外国人相爱, 浪漫的旅行, 共同参加宗教仪式, 还有罗曼蒂克的诺言都是是充满可能的.
Now, if you have a romantic mood, as well attempts under the sunlight Wei Yujian.
现在, 你如果有一份罗曼蒂克的心境, 不妨尝试一下阳光下的卫浴间.
And it gets worse once you have children -- romantic presents are replaced by practical ones.
一旦夫妇俩有了孩子,情况会变得更糟 -- 一些实用的物件将彻底取代罗曼蒂克的礼物.
My girlfriend hates it when I channel surf - she prefers me to stop on the romance shows.
我的女朋友不喜欢我搜索频道 ― 她更喜欢我停下来看一些罗曼蒂克片子.