
    • The diner was small, but bright and clean . Brand - new, built to resemble a converted railroad car.

      这间餐厅虽小, 但窗明几净, 是新盖好的,故意搞得像是一节改造的火车车厢.

    • Every classroom in our school is bright and clean and takes on a new look.


    • Mine build and looked bright and clean office building, watching the apartment spotless, we are charmed.

      矿区建设好了,望着窗明几净的办公楼, 望着一尘不染的公寓, 我们神往.

    • Yes this solemn teaching building, spacious and clean, bright and clean classrooms ladder?

      是这庄重的教学楼 、 宽敞整洁 、 窗明几净的阶梯教室?