The snowy main peak towers above all the others.
Finally they reached its main peak 4300 metres above sealevel.
Finally they reached its main peak 4300 metres above sea - level.
Its main peak, Tianzhu Peak, is 1 , 612 meters above sea level.
主峰(天柱峰)海拔 1612 米.
Its main peak rises to a height of over 7000 metres.
Mt . Jade , elevation 3, 952 m, is the Highest Mountain in East Asia.
玉山 主峰海拔3, 952公尺为东亚最高峰.
Nanshan in the Shekou Zone in, Nanshan 336 m high peak.
大南山在蛇口工业区境内, 南山主峰高336米.
Tsui Ping - day Fengling and is main peak of the Hengshan east peak.
天峰岭 与翠屏峰,是恒山主峰的东西两峰.
The main peak stood in our path like a great white wall.
Situated on the right side of major peak of Mount Qingyun, it is crescent - shaped and double - layered.
位于 青云 山主峰右侧, 呈 半 月型,由上下两层构成.
The compression makes the peak off ( Rh ) move to the direction of bigger molecular size.
超大聚合物分子被压缩后使归一化权重分布函数 主峰 向分子尺寸更大方向移动.
Black peak overlooking Ko, such as a huge stone bridge Superlative Craftsmanship become a spectacle.
远眺烂柯主峰, 如一座巨大的石桥,鬼斧神工蔚为奇观.
South ditch big - top peak , 2858 meters above sea level , Hirakawa for the peak area.
主峰南沟大顶,海拔2858米, 为平川区最高峰.
These three peaks form a center, from which Huangshan diverges in all directions.
Taitong mountain peak 2234 meters above sea level, the highest peak for the Pingliang.
主峰太统山海拔2234米, 为平凉最高峰.