
汉语拼音:zuǒ piě zi



  1. 习惯于用左手使用筷子、刀剪等器物的人。


    • I noticed she was left-handed.


    • I think it's due to being left handed that he's got terrible writing.


    • The fact that Goran is a lefty just makes his serve that little bit better.


    • Fair - minded right - handed people are finally starting to give left - handed people a hand.

      使用右手的人最终开始助 左撇子 们一臂之力.

    • Is it fair to call right - handed people handy and left - handed people evil?

      称主要使用右手的人“手巧”,而把 左撇子 称作罪恶之人,公平 吗 ?

    • If you do most things with your left hand, you are left - handed.

      如果你用左手做大部分事情, 你就是 左撇子 .

    • That man is left handed man.


    • About a hundred years ago a few feeble efforts were made on behalf of the left - hander.


    • Another lefty, as has been revealed by a candid photo, is Britain's Queen Mother Elizabeth.

      一张真实的照片透露出, 英国王太后伊丽莎白也是个左撇子.

    • The left - handed client often smudged the ink on the stub when he wrote his check.

      左撇子 顾客在书写支票时往往会弄脏存根上的墨水字迹.

    • I think left - handed people are the same as right - handed people.


    • The handy left - hander left handsome handkerchief on the handle of the handbag.

      手巧的 左撇子 把一方标致手帕留在手提包的提手上.

    • So in four people in the family we all left - handed.

      我们家四个人都是 左撇子 .

    • Sinistral individuals exhibit dominance of the left hand and eye.


    • Yeah. We know the names of some famous lefties.

      是的. 我们知道一些左撇子的名人.