Indeed it was the ionic fog that occurs around and with dimensional 'worm holes'. It was the Emerald Crystal.
事实上,这是发生在次元间「虫洞」周围的离子雾,那就是翡翠水晶。They sustained higher dimensional -telepathic contact with the advanced space brethren from the Pleiades, Arcturus, Andromeda and Sirius.
他们能与昴宿星团,大角星,仙女座和天狼星等先进空间的弟兄们维持次元间心灵感应的接触。The realization of the significant transmission synchronization of elements was described.
阐明该系统各阵元间的发射同步这一重要环节的实现方法。Research background: In the nervous system, synaptic vesicle recycling is the bridge of information transmission between neurons.
研究背景:在神经系统中,突触囊泡循环是神经元间信息传递的桥梁。Just as brain needs sleep to rebuild those important neuronal connections, your brain also needs energy in order to work.
大脑需要睡眠来更新神经元间的连接。它还需要能量来支持运转。The other focuses on the dynamics of networks, concerning itself with phenomena that emerge from the interactions between neurons.
而另一个研究方向则是专注在神经网络的动态,是关于动态本身,以及因神经元间交互作用所伴随之现象。The molecule glutamate is a neurotransmitter, which means it conveys information between neurons in the nervous system.
谷氨酸分子是一种神经递质,这意味着,它在神经系统中的神经元间传递信息。Results Proper concentration taurine promoted cultured cortex neuron to exist, and to format networks among neurons.
结果适当浓度的牛磺酸能够促进培养的皮层神经元存活,突起生长,促进神经元间网络的形成。A message passed between two neurons is like person-to-person email rather than a listserv.