External causes become operative through internal causes.
These are people who tend to externalize blame when anything goes wrong at work.
Disorders of old age are generally not exogenous.
Your worry is always triggered by some external event or happening.
Language can change due to either internal or external factors.
Its outbreak reason mainly can sum up cause and exopathic cause.
Instrinsic and extrinsic causes can tackle the root of global warming issues.
Disorders of age are generally not exogenous.
What interior contradicts even if say cause normally, exterior contradiction is external cause.
内部矛盾就是通常所说内因, 外部矛盾就是外因.
Dialectic materialism figures out, intrinsic factor is the basic reason causing evolvement, factor is the condition.
辩证唯物主义认为,内因是最终引起事物发展变化的根本原因, 外因是事物发展变化的条件.
Slope failures are caused by many factors among which rainfall is the most significant one.
The caking reasons of sodium sulfate are analysed and the ways for preventing from are given.
Slope failures are caused by many factors, among which water is the most significant one.
造成边坡失稳的因素是多方面的, 但水是诱发滑坡最常见的外因.
But that we know development of object, external cause are only condition, cause, is really basic.
而我们知道,事物的发展, 外因只是条件, 内因才是根本.
Both endopathic factors and exopathic factors might cause fatigue, but overstrain was the main etiology.
内因、外因均可导致疲劳, 但以内伤尤其过劳为主要病因.