Barely a couple of minutes later, Zhang Jian began to talk about other topics with his 3 distant relatives from China as they ate dim sum.
没过十几分钟,张健与来自中国内地的三位远房亲戚边吃点心边聊起其它话题。The birds are the ostriches' distant cousins, called rheas, and the parent is not a diligent mother, but a doting father.
那些鸟是鸵鸟们的远房堂兄弟姐妹,叫美洲鸵;而那位“母亲”也不是一个勤劳母亲,而是一个溺爱的父亲。Perhaps a distant relative you haven't seen in a while will come by for a visit or will give you a phone call.
也许一个远房亲戚你没见过一段时间会来拜访我还是会给你一个电话。She lives in Guangzhou, but her mother lives in the village with her relatives.
她住在广州,但是她母亲住在乡下,和一些远房亲戚一起。According to an old Chinese saying, a distant relative is less likely to help you out than a near neighbor.
根据一项古老的中国谚语,一个远房亲戚不太可能会帮助你比近邻。He arranged for me to stay with distant relatives, and I was generously received.
他安排我住在他的一个远房亲戚家中,我受到了热情慷慨地接待。Rhoda was a distant cousin, who made a living by creating hats out of expensive material.
罗达是他的一个远房表妹,她靠用昂贵的材料做帽子为生。A distant great-grandfather served in the Black Watch, a storied Scottish regiment of the British Army that fought in the New World.
我的一个远房的曾祖父曾经在苏格兰高地警卫团服役,那是一个英国军队中的传奇性苏格兰军团,在新大陆打仗。John , of whom my aunt is a distant cousin by marriage , comes to see us sometimes .