
汉语拼音:yuǎn dào




  1. 深远周到。

    宋 张淏 《云谷杂记》卷一:“﹝《汉书》﹞全略去 武帝 问左右一节,只言恐女主顓恣数言而已,殊失其本意,不若《史记》所载为实録,可以见 武帝 识见远到处。” 朱自清 《白采的诗》:“作者是有深锐的理性和远到的眼光的人;他能觉察到人所不能觉察的。”

  2. 犹远至。

    《晋书·陶侃传》:“尚书 乐广 欲会 荆 扬 士人,武库令 黄庆 进 侃 於 广 。人或非之, 庆 曰:‘此子终当远到,復何疑也!’”《新唐书·萧嵩传》:“时 崔琳 、 王丘 、 齐澣 皆有名,以 嵩 少术学,不以辈行许也,独 姚崇 称其远到。” 明 徐渭 《女状元》第四折:“他才学既自出羣吏,事又十分这等精敏,他日必是远到之器。”


  • She had people communicating with her from as far away as Russia and America on a continual basis, not just once in a while.


  • I wanted her far away from me, so unattainable that she could continue as the mere memory she had become and remained all these years.


  • Dream about him yesterday, he said to leave this place to go very far away, far away I can not see where.


  • All of a sudden, want to go very far, far to let me accustomed to a person's place . . .


  • One of the most likely will be that you will travel quite far, to a foreign country, or at the very least, plan a trip to take soon.


  • I can think of only one, down by the beach in an area too remote to easily toddle to the pub with your legs crossed.


  • How far is it to the next town? said the stranger. speaking a little louder.


  • Far to the Case of She, near to the case of the king prices, are a pile of proof.


  • But, in reality, but you can't touch me already far to you, you go away, leaving me. Out of my sight.
