As the cost of a simple mobile phone has fallen below $20 in most of the world, mobile banking is becoming affordable in emerging markets.
随着在大多数国家购买一个简单手机的费用已降到20美金以下,移动银行的费用在很多新兴市场都是可以承受的。In the United States, the average defect staff time has now been reduced to less than five years.
在美国,员工的平均跳槽时间现在已降到五年以下。The cost of storing and communicating information over the Internet had fallen to almost nothing.
在互联网上存储和沟通信息的成本几乎已降为零。However, it was some time later, at this time because many investors have confidence dropped to freezing point, became frightened.
但时间上却是有些晚,因为此时众多投资者的信心已降到了冰点,成了惊弓之鸟。Violent crime is at its lowest since 1992, all the more remarkable given that police overtime has been cut as have police academy classes.
暴力犯罪已降到1992年后的最低点,并且考虑到警察加班时间因其参加警察培训而被削减了,这就更令人觉得不可思议了。While much appreciative of your order, we must point out that our price has been cut to a minimum.
非常感谢你方的订单,但必须指出,我方价格已降到最低程度。In Italy, where Acea said consumer confidence was at its lowest ebb in four years, the number dropped by 10 per cent.
欧洲汽车制造商协会称,意大利的消费者信心已降到4年来最低水平,其新汽登记量下降了10%。By Monday midmorning in the U. S. , it was trading below $142.
到周一美国市场早盘中段,该公司股价已降到142美元以下。In other measures, gay marriage has been legalised and religious (in effect, Catholic) education has been downgraded.