Until Six Dynasties, Object-chanting Fu with various themes and short length, had been a main school in rhapsody .
至六朝,题材多样、篇幅短小的咏物小赋已成为赋中大宗。Wei and Jin Dynasties, Wu Fu creation reached a peak in both quantity and quality over the previous works.
魏晋时期,咏物赋创作达到了一个高峰,数量质量都超过了前代的作品。The fifth part, with specific singing from the analysis, discusses the some of which contain ideological content.
第五部分,结合具体咏物诗的剖析,探讨其中蕴含的一些思想内容。Ping-forward to the Hong Tang word (also known as baking together words) volume, "Book of General" as the popular speech, chanting fine.
炳著有哄堂词(亦作烘堂词)一卷,《文献通考》为辞通俗,咏物细腻。Their Object-chanting Poems were unique and personal while inheriting the traditional images.
他们的咏物诗意象既有传承性,又独具个性。Wu Fu, or sent to civilian deep emotion, or a simple description of natural scenery, equipment curios, have the value of ecology.
咏物赋或寄予文人深切的情感,或单纯描写自然风物、器具珍玩,都具有生态美学研究的价值。In the second part, from "poems" and "content" 2 words of singing from the category of poem made to define text research object, sure.
在第二部分,从“咏”和“物”二字入手,对咏物诗的范畴作出界定,确定文本研究对象。As one of the most important types of Ci, the Ci poems on objects has its paticular progress of developing and evolving.
咏物词,作为词的重要题材之一,有着自身的发展演变历程。Yongwu Poetry (poems sung about things) is an important type in the ancient poems area.