This attention to anatomical detail is no small matter, it tells a customer what you think of him.
这些解剖学方面的细节并非不重要的小事。它告诉你的客户你是多么的重视他。General anatomy down below can be an interesting one because you get women who've never looked to see what's happening down there.
了解下体的解剖学构造是一件有意思的事情,因为很多女性从来没有观察过她们的下体是怎么一回事。The assumption has long been that Jack must have had anatomical knowledge because of the skill with which his victims' organs were removed.
一个存在了很久的假设是:鉴于被害人器官被移除的手法,开膛手杰克必然具有一定的解剖学知识。The first thing she had to do was learn the worm's neuroanatomy, and she did so in a way only one other person has ever done.
她先要学习蛔虫的神经解剖学,她做到了只有另一个人做过的事。The British also do not seem to have the sort of exceptional knowledge of their own anatomy which Italians have.
不仅如此,看起来英国人的解剖学知识也没有意大利人丰富。I don't aim to be comprehensive, but to convey something of what continues to fascinate me about the wonderful subject of human anatomy.
我的目的不在于广泛全面的介绍身体各部位,而是传达一些一直吸引着我的关于人体解剖学的东西。One of the most intriguing parts of our anatomy turns out to be . . .
是通过解剖学了解到的我们人体最有趣的一个部分。"My wife is constantly telling me to stop looking at her hands or mentally dissecting her forearm, " he says.
“我老婆不断地告诉我,别老盯着她的手,或者琢磨她的前臂的解剖学结构,怪吓人的”他说。Objective To explore the concept of the cavernous sinus and its microanatomy for providing anatomical bases for neurosurgery.