
汉语拼音:bā fēn



  1. 汉 字书体名。字体似隶而体势多波磔。相传为 秦 时 上谷 人 王次仲 所造。关于八分的命名,历来说法不一,或以为二分似隶,八分似篆,故称八分;或以为 汉 隶的波折,向左右分开,“渐若八字分散”,故名八分。见 唐 张怀瓘 《书断上》。近人以为八分非定名, 汉 隶为小篆的八分,小篆为大篆的八分,今隶为 汉 隶的八分。

    唐 杜甫 《李潮八分小篆歌》:“ 陈仓 石鼓又已讹,小大二篆生八分。” 唐 韩愈 《醉赠张秘书》诗:“ 阿买 不识字,颇知书八分。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·如是我闻二》:“ 铁蟾 聪明絶特,善诗歌,又工八分。”参阅 康有为 《广艺舟双楫·分变》。

  2. 清 宗室封爵名。

    清太祖 天命 年间,立八个和硕(满语,部落)贝勒(爵号),共议朝政,各置官属,赏赐相等,称为八分。后定宗室封爵十四等,自贝子以上六等皆入八分, 镇国公 、 辅国公 有入八分与不入八分之别。见《清会典·事例二·宗人府》。


    • The reciprocal of 8 is 1 / 8.


    • WAITER: How would filet mignon, sir ? Rare , medium rare, or well - done?

      服务生: 腓力牛排要几分熟呢?五分熟? 八分熟? 还是全熟?

    • Liz: You're right. His highest score was 8.0 for a perfect dive.

      丽兹: 你说的没错. 他这次完美的跳水最高也只得了八分.

    • Between them, Wesley and Bowen scored the Rockets'last eight points.

      这两人, 米老鼠和鲍文射下了火箭队最后的八分.

    • It was easy to see that he was already three parts drunk.


    • However, tea is as much asit is poured and really killsthirst.


    • She likes her steak medium well, but I prefer mine rare.

      她的要八分熟, 我喜欢五分熟的.

    • Would you like your steak rare, medium well - done?

      你的牛排要带生, 八分熟还是全熟的?

    • Can you get it medium to well done?

      牛排可以烧的七八分熟 吗 ?

    • The eighth part of 24 is 3.


    • WAITER: How would you like your filet mignon, sir ? Rare , medium rare, or well - done?

      服务生: 要几分熟呢?五分熟? 八分熟? 还是全熟?

    • Your risk : 1 in 98 , with diagnoses peaking between the ages of 55 and 65.

      风险为九十八分之一, 年龄处于55岁到65岁之间发现的最多.

    • Leslie scored 38 points and grabbed 13 rebounds at the close of the half.


    • Ba Fen style is an ancient script, but it is also fashionable in visual communication arts.

      八分书既是古老的书法字体, 又是时尚的美术字.

    • You don't pay attention to rests, especially the eighth rest and sixteenth rest.

      你对休止符重视不够, 尤其是八分休止符和十六分休止符.