汉语拼音:luàn qī bā zāo
- 【解释】:形容无秩序,无条理,乱得不成样子。
- 【出自】:清·曾朴《孽海花》第五回:“你看屋里的图书字画,家伙器皿,布置得清雅整洁,不象公坊以前乱七八糟的样子了,这是霞郎的成绩。”
- 【示例】:琴弹得~,可是她的嗓子怪清亮的。
◎老舍《二马》四 - 【语法】:联合式;作定语、补语;含贬义
Zhang Ziyi also is done a bit probably muddleheaded, the report with farfetched so much, watch audience of not clear China the view to her.
章子怡大概也有点被搞糊涂了,这么多乱七八糟的报道,看不清楚中国观众对她的看法。A small man of about thirty, with green eyes and a tangle of fair hair, stood looking down at me.
我面前站着一个三十岁上下的矮小的汉子,碧绿的眼睛,一头乱七八糟的淡黄头发,他正低头望着我。Look what I have done to this city with a few drums of gas and a couple bullets.
你看,我就用几桶汽油和一些子弹就把这城市搞得乱七八糟。It is daring of Mr Kelly to invite such a direct comparison of his theories to the ramblings of a madman.
凯利竟胆敢将自己的理论直接比作一个疯子的乱七八糟的布局。Like the star of the sticker on the wall I do not know when it has been scratched.
喜欢的明星的贴画在墙上已经不知何时被划得乱七八糟。You can rout the children out of my study; I won't have them throwing everything into disorder.
你可以把孩子们从书房里赶出去,我不允许他们把一切弄得乱七八糟。She read much of a desultory sort of literature and as a modern linguist had really made great proficiency.
她阅读了不少乱七八糟的作品,作为一个现代语言学家,她当真是非常熟练的。See how much he has remembered! What should be remembered is not remembered. All he's remembered are nothing but such petty things.
该记的不记,记住的都是什么乱七八糟的东西啊。Creativity is often made out to be a nebulous, messy, complicated, difficult thing, and it can be.