Before his eyes was a sea of jubilant people.
As a sea of upturned faces, they were Melville's people, good, generous, and free.
一片人海仰脸听讲, 他们是梅尔维尔所谓的人民:善良 、 慷慨 、 直率.
It's brain mass , not people mass, that transforms an industry.
翻转产业的, 不是[人海], 而是[脑海].
That thou wast in the world a year ago.
A man overboard into the sea and was drowned.
It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
要想在这茫茫人海中寻找到真正的知己,犹如大海捞针. (不可以么)
Boundless, Red Dust billowing, in all mortal beings, in the vast sea.
大千世界, 红尘滚滚, 于芸芸众生 、 茫茫人海中.
Inside the window is you , with your lonely and sober memory.
在喧闹的人海中, 在落寞的记忆中.
Her slight form was soon drowned in the crowd.
Now all of these plans are lost to humanity.
The army's success was based on numbers.
In the boundless huge crowd, you, are the person which I must seek?
茫茫人海中, 你, 是我要寻找的人 麽 ?
He began slashing through the mass of orcs, making his way toward the being of fire.
他开始在兽人的人海中左劈右砍, 向那火焰怪物杀去.
In 1998, he was lucky to survive when his balloon plummeted into the sea.
年的那次尝试中,他的气球垂直落人海中, 他很幸运的活了下来.
Love is not aboutinto each other in crowds. Love is an impossible meeting.
缘分不是人海中两个人的擦肩, 缘分是不可能的相遇.