When he looked up and looked under the bridge in the distance, that piece of wheat field from time to time flashed a cluster of pale fire.
这时他抬头望了一下桥下的远处,那一片麦场上不时闪现出一簇淡淡的火光。In a short, white minidress, with masses of flowers in her luxuriant blonde locks, she was the absolute picture of joy and happiness.
她穿着一身白色迷你短裙,浓密的金发挽成发髻,点缀着一簇鲜花。她本身就是一幅快乐和幸福的话画面。A bit of mould is a pleiad of flowers; a nebula is an ant-hill of stars.
一粒霉菌是一簇美不胜收的花朵,一撮星云是无数天体的蚁聚。As he wrote a word on his card and waited for an envelope he glanced about the embowered shop, and his eye lit on a cluster of yellow roses.
他在名片上写了几个字。在等待给他拿信封时,他环顾弓形的花店,眼睛一亮,落在一簇黄玫瑰上。Attract bees and butterflies, and happy flying tumble, dotted with honey bother to bring it a bunch of flower!
吸引着蜂蝶,欢快地飘舞翻飞,点缀花心那一簇带蜜的花蕊!That day, they were orange, a pallid fire that would soon flicker at Hattie's wrists, shoulders, and the insides of her thighs.
那天,他们是橙色,一簇暗淡的火焰很快就会燃烧在海蒂的手腕、肩膀,和大腿内侧。It tiptoes through the treetops, roughing a few leaves, then rides a tuft of thistledown across the valley and away.
它蹑手蹑脚地跨过树梢,掠过些许叶子,又轻踏一簇毛蓟绕过山谷而去。It tiptoes through the treetops, rouging a few leaves, then rides a tuft of thistledown across the valley and away.
它蹑手蹑脚地跨过树梢,在几片叶子上涂上胭脂,又轻踏一簇毛蓟绕过山谷而去。What few may know is that Lincoln's example has been a beacon to the rest of the world as well.