
汉语拼音:yī biān dǎo



  1. 完全倾向一边。

    毛泽东 《论人民民主专政》:“一边倒,是 孙中山 的四十年经验和共产党的二十八年经验教给我们的,深知欲达到胜利和巩固胜利,必须一边倒。” 叶永烈 《并蒂莲》八:“有一件事,使 金莲 心中摇摆不定的天平终于一边倒了。” 王晨 张天来 《划破夜幕的陨星》:“在这场几乎完全一边倒的‘论战’中,这位二十三岁的‘黄口孺子’,就是这样不畏权势,向不可一世的大人物发起了反击。”


    • The negotiating was completely one-sided.


    • " Let go of me, " he said, falling on his side.

      “ 放开我, " 他说, 朝一边倒下去.

    • As the visiting team was much better, the game was one - sided.

      因为客队强得多, 这场比赛成为一边倒.

    • I just don't agree with their one - sided reporting.

      我只是不赞同他们 一边倒 的报道.

    • Steering is by leaning slightly out of the wheel.


    • Women's basketball hasn't been quite such a one - sided affair.


    • As the visiting team was much better, game was one - sided.

      因为“客队”强得多, 这场比赛成为一边倒.

    • If the election is one - sided, it is really no contest.

      如果选举呈一边倒的局面, 那么实际上毫无竞争可言.

    • Yet this war, though asymmetrical, is by no means one - sided.

      然而这场战争, 尽管实力不对称, 但也没意味着 一边倒 .

    • Is that guy wearing a rug, or does his scalp really slide from side to side?

      那家伙戴的是假发 吗 ?要么他真梳的是一边倒的头发?

    • The business people finally jumped on the bandwagon, too, and the candidate won by a landslide.

      商界人士最终也加入了可能获胜的一方, 结果那位候选人以一边倒的优势当选.

    • First of all, Garrison's Gorillas is, despite its no - sense premise and ludicrous one - sidedness , extremely well - acted.

      首先, 尽管有个荒谬的前提以及可笑的 一边倒, 《加里森敢死队》有极其精彩的表演.

    • Game started, this is a recognized one - sided game, but in fact it turned into close contest.

      比赛开始了, 这本来是一场公认的 一边倒 的比赛, 但实际上却变成了势均力敌的较量.

    • He smirked a bottle of wine and ate a piece of chocolate from her candy box.
