She thought Ralph's judgments distorted by his trials, but she flattered herself she had learned to make allowance for his words.
虽然她认为,拉尔夫的看法总有些故弄玄虚,但她相信她已经懂得怎样来对待他的话。He said that he was explaining some abstruse philosophy. But to me he was only trying to stir up a storm in a teacup and mystifying things.
他说他是在阐述深奥的道理,可我认为他只不过在小题大做,故弄玄虚而已。To me he was only trying to sir a storm in a teacup and mystifying things.
我认为他只不过是在小题大做,故弄玄虚而已。It will be my pleasure to share with you some of this double-talk so typical of our times.
我将很乐意和你共享我们时代典型的故弄玄虚的东西。Those who do not appreciate the prose tradition find it mystifying because there is nothing functional about it.
那些不欣赏散文传统的人认为它故弄玄虚,因为它毫无作用。Whatever they choose as a course of action is done out in the open without a measure of deviousness.
无论他们选择了何种行动做了一定程度的开放而不故弄玄虚。Was it a harmless paradox, intended to puzzle her?
这是不是一种并无恶意的反话,只是为了跟她故弄玄虚呢?The World Cup in the U. S. is really an excuse for people to try and sound sophisticated as they pound down Buds, the all-American beer.
在美国,那些一边灌着全美国人都爱喝的百威啤酒、一边看世界杯足球赛的人,纯粹就是假装高深,故弄玄虚。They noted the lack of outcry when a columnist declared that, for Catholics, "doublespeak and duplicity are second nature" .