Her mind is totally alienated, which, according to her mother's account, is sometimes the consequence of an confinement.
她神志恍惚,据她母亲说,这是一次坐月子以后得的病。Puerperium care in the past, the birthed living are cared by her family member, most her mother or mother-in-law.
以往坐月子期间产妇的生活起居大部分由亲人来照料,而其最大的协助者为产妇的婆婆或妈妈。Ann: You are right. But do you know whether the animals are in confinement or not?
你是对的,但你知道动物产后是否也坐月子呢?The traditional "confinement in childbirth" has a great deal of problems about health of mothers and infants.
传统的“坐月子”存在着大量的母婴健康问题,现有的产褥期保健模式,对产后康复指导作用存在局限性。For the $14, 750 basic fee, Zhou and Chao will arrange for a three-month stay in a center -- two months before the birth and a month after.
交完1,475美元基本费用,你就可以在中心住3个月,分娩前2个月,坐月子1个月。There's a Chinese saying that goes "a woman in confinement should not be visited" .
中国有这样一个说法,女人坐月子时是不能有访客的。In Thailand, maternal confinement to chicken to fill the body with the durian.
在泰国,产妇坐月子就用榴莲炖鸡来补身子。Jane: Yes, stegmonth, also known as confinement, is a period time for the new mom when they finished the childbirth.
知道,产褥期,俗称“坐月子”是新妈妈们分娩结束后的一段时间。After birthing, the mother needs more nourishment to recover, so it is necessary to take the Puerperium care in traditional mind.