The president says health care reform is no longer just a moral imperative, it'sitis an economic imperative.
总体表示医疗保健该给已经不仅仅是道德上的需要,而且是从经济上势在必行。As of June, China was the largest single holder of U. S. agency debt, and is one of the world's largest overall holders of U. S. securities.
截至6月,中国是美国机构债最大的单一持有者,并且是全球最大的美国证券总体持有者。Taken as a while, it seems like an insurmountable hurdle, but each step by itself takes no more than a couple of days.
从总体上看,这像是一个无法超越的障碍,但是每一个步骤花不了两天的时间。Through comparative analysis of these studies, trying to make digital products on fashion trends and the overall study design.
本文通过这些比较分析研究,尝试做出对时尚数码产品趋势及设计方法的总体研究。Despite the upgrades to the plant, she said, "the overall safety has not improved sufficiently. "
尽管已经采取了升级措施,她说,“总体的安全性能仍没有充分改善。”Overall, he said the changes reflect shifting attitudes about sex in Western societies over the past half century.
总体来说,他表示,这些变化反映的是在过去的半个世纪中西方社会性观念转变。"Altogether, since 2001 the United States has improved [its] relationships with every state in Northeast Asia simultaneously, " she said.
国务卿赖斯说:“总体而言,自2001年以来,美国同时改善了同东北亚地区每一个国家的关系。”Then it summarizes the main objectives of the whole system to be achieved, and elaborated on the general framework and system design.
接着综述整个系统要达到的主要目标,也就是相关需求,然后详细阐述了系统的总体架构及设计方案。The overall framework we devised is clear, easy to be developed and practical.