




    • Only the styles are left sticking up from the receptacle and ovary.


    • The fertilized ovule becomes the seed, and the ovary becomes the fruit.

      已受精的卵子成为种子, 而子房变成了果实.

    • Young seeds and ruptured ovary wall, arrow heading to ovary wall.

      正在生长的幼小种子顶破子房壁, 箭头所指为破裂的子房壁.

    • Located below the perianth and other floral parts. Used of an ovary.


    • Ovarian half, ovule majority, the seed has a wing.

      子房半下位, 胚珠多数, 种子有翅.

    • The floral disc was observed at the base of the ovary.


    • Ovary pours egg form , post head shape.

      子房倒卵形, 柱头头状.

    • It is seen in the Asteraceae and Rosaceae.


    • Flame red, multi _ petalled ; green petals in centre from ovaries, flowers inclining to one side, vigorous.

      火红色, 台阁型.子房翠绿花瓣,花蕾绽口型, 花朵侧开. 株型半开张, 生长势强.

    • Style The stalklike portion of a carpel, joining the ovary and the stigma.

      花柱:为心皮的一部分, 是连接子房和柱头的结构.

    • The female reproductive organ of a flower, typically consisting of a stigma , style, and ovary.

      雌蕊Pistil花的雌性生殖器官, 典型的花由花柱 、 柱头和子房组成.

    • Floral reversion was observed in the induction of style - stigma - like structure from petals, ovaries and styles.

      在诱导花柱、子房、花瓣的柱头 状 物的过程中, 观察到成花逆转现象.

    • Ms Heliotis says most women still incorrectly believe a pap smear will detect ovarian cancer.


    • Ovarian 2 rooms, ovule much line, style filiform, post tongue shape is compressed.

      子房2室, 胚珠多列, 花柱丝状, 柱头舌状扁平.

    • In flowers where the floral whorls diverge below the gynoecium, the ovary is superior.
