Thousands of men volunteered when the war broke out.
战争爆发时,成千上万的人当了志愿兵。For nine years he had spent every Wednesday evening with the other volunteers, training for emergencies like this one.
9年来,他每周三都和其他两个志愿兵进行像这样的紧急情况的训练。and yet no leader ever had more volunteers who have, under His orders, made more rebels stack arms and surrender withouts shot fired.
但没有一个领袖能有他那么多的志愿兵。在他的感召之下,多少叛逆者投降,不费一粒子弹。But the volunteers had not used it in this type of situation.
但是,志愿兵从未在这种情况下使用过狐蝠。Terms of Service: Military service is by selective conscription, with terms lasting two years.
兵役制度:实行义务兵和志愿兵相结合的兵役制,兵役期两年。The Marines say the call-up is primarily due to a shortage of volunteers for duty in Iraq and Afghanistan.
海军陆战队称,此次征召主要是由于在伊拉克和阿富汗的志愿兵短缺。Banastre Tarleton sailed to America as a volunteer in 1775, quickly earning the rank of major for his bravery in the New York campaign.
巴纳斯特·塔尔顿在1775年作为志愿兵远赴重洋来到美洲大陆,很快他就在纽约战役中因为勇敢杀敌而晋升为少校。The answer is 'Yes, ' because any such volunteers were likely to enjoy the spoils of war.
人们会回答‘愿意’,因为这些志愿兵中的每一个人都渴望在战争中分一杯羹。Thus the volunteer system built up morale on the Communist side and. destroyed it on the Kuomintang side.