"It's as if there will be another American economy anchored off San Francisco and growing all the while. "
“那就像是,将有另一个以旧金山为支撑点的美国经济,并且是一直增长的。”They provide security when the things we depend upon seem to be slipping out from under us.
当我们的依靠即将从脚下溜走时,支撑点会带给我们安全的保障。Because it has no existence for starting-point and point d'appui, the Idea is frequently treated as a mere logical form.
由于理念不以实存为其出发点,又不以实存为其支撑点,因此便常常被当作单纯是一种形式的逻辑的东西。c. Wooden planks must be firmly fixed with the support. The distance between the supports should not be over 8'.
木质踏板必须与支撑点衔接固定,每个支撑点间的距离不大于8英尺。Prof Mackay uses keyhole surgery to insert a tiny piece of tape which acts as a brace over injured ligaments.
Mackay教授利用小切口手术插入一小块的胶带代替受伤的韧带作支撑点。My guess would be that it's actually being held up by a hidden support in the cord, but for all I know it's black magic.
我猜想,它一定是挂在绳索隐藏在的一个支撑点上,但是据我所知,这是巫术。When an earthquake strikes, most people cower in doorways, or other strong points in their homes.
地震发生时,大多数人们会畏缩在过道,或者家里其他坚固支撑点内。fundamental concept of thinking is the thinking category , which is the supporter of thinking.
思维的基本观念就是思维的基本范畴,是整个思维活动的支撑点。The real value of philosophy lies in providing a base and a support for the human's existence and development.