
汉语拼音:dá dá

1.中 国古代对北方各游牧民族的总称。

2.明代称蒙古族的一部,即东蒙古人。居住在今俄罗斯贝加尔湖一带 和蒙古国大部分地区。靼(dá)。


  1. 古代部族名。也写作 达靼 、 达旦 、 达怛 。又称 达达 、 塔塔儿 。本 靺鞨 别部。

    唐 末始见记载。为 突厥 统治下的一个部落, 突厥 衰亡后, 鞑靼 逐渐成为强大部落。两 宋 、 辽 、 金 时代,又把漠北的 蒙古 部称为 黑鞑靼 ,漠南的 汪古 部称 白鞑靼 。 蒙古 兴起, 鞑靼 为 蒙古 所灭,但仍泛称 蒙古 为 鞑靼 。 元 亡,其宗族走漠北, 明 时又把东部 蒙古 成吉思汗 后裔各部称为 鞑靼 。广义的应用上, 鞑靼 为 中国 北方诸少数民族的总称。参阅《明史·外国传八·鞑靼》。


  • It is often mix mixed with clean cream of chargetartar, a fine poter powder commonly used in cooking.


  • Having finished with the Tatar , over whom a cloak was thrown, the doctor in spectacles came up to Prince Andrey, wiping his hands.


  • she kept saying, addressing her governess and gazing into the face of her own daughter disguised as a Tatar of Kazan.


  • In the wide spaces of eastern Europe, towns needed to be able to defend themselves against raids by Turkish or Tartar horsemen.


  • Peking (Beijing) was the walled city of the Tartars, and you can see the long, seemingly endless wall heading away from the fortress.


  • On old maps, the land is called Outer Manchuria or, even more evocatively, Eastern Tartary.


  • The Russians adopted it into their own cuisine with the name "Steak Tartare , " (Tartars being their name for the Mongols).


  • On the table nearest sat a Tatar , probably of a Cossack regiment, judging from the uniform that had been thrown down close by.


  • I answered that I was a Prince in my own land, and that I had escaped from the Tartars, who had sought to make me their slave.
