
汉语拼音:shuǐ hàn



  1. 水涝与干旱。

    《周礼·春官·保章氏》:“以五云之物辨吉凶,水旱降丰荒之祲象。” 贾公彦 疏:“水旱降为荒凶也。”《史记·平準书》:“ 汉 兴七十餘年之閒,国家无事,非遇水旱之灾,民则人给家足。” 唐 杜甫 《雷》诗:“水旱其数然, 尧 汤 免亲覩。” 姚雪垠 《李自成》第二卷第三二章:“自朕登极以来,内外交讧,兵连祸结,水旱洊臻,灾异迭见。” 马南邨 《燕山夜话·围田的教训》:“这就证明,围田和圩田等等都是与水争地,盗湖为田,其结果必遭水旱之灾。”


    • The flood and drought each year brought incalculable damage to farmers.


    • Shandong; floods and droughts; control measures; food production; farmland water conservancy; farmers savings; and warehouse.

      山东; 水旱灾害; 防治措施; 粮食生产; 农田水利; 农民积蓄; 仓储.

    • Through crop rotation, the harmony between human, food production and ecology can be achieved.

      这样的水旱轮种交替, 展示人 、 食物生产、大自然生态可以和谐共处.

    • Water - level - fluctuation zone ( WLFZ ) of a reservoir isandandthe slopes are steep with poor soil.

      水库消涨带 水旱 交替、坡度陡、土壤贫瘠,适生植物的选择一直是其生态重建的难题.

    • The occurrence of flood and drought disaster ( FDD ) is not a simple natural accident.

      摘要 水旱 灾害的发生并非单纯的自然事件.

    • It is a transport junction for both land and water here, so business is bustling.

      我们这里是水旱两路的交通枢纽, 所以商业很繁荣.

    • Flood and drought disasters are the most notable ones of various natural disasters for agriculture.
