Hugo bore his illness with great courage and good humour.
Hugo waved as he passed Hilary in his car.
Having warbled his thanks and put the potions in his boots, Hugo departed.
雨果用颤音唱出了他的感谢,把药放进他的靴子里, 便扬长而去.
Victor Hugo at one time described him as " Europe's richest vagabond "
维克多·雨果曾描述他为 “ 欧洲最富有的流浪汉 ”
Victor Hugo , 1802 --- 1885 , was a celebrated French literary giant.
One day, Hugo heard that her and brothers were away.
一天, 雨果听说她的父兄几人都出门去了.
Among many famous French writers, he loved Hugo best.
在法国文学众多名家中, 他对浪漫主义大师雨果情有独钟.
Father of international law Hugo Grotius was born on April 10 th.
Yet the role of IT in the crisis is barely discussed.
Hugo shook his head.
In 1986, AIK founded HUGO Productions with a vision to produce Chinese music of audiophile recordings.
1986年, 易有伍秉著制作高保真音响中国音乐的愿景,成立了雨果制作有限公司.
Victor - Marie Hugo , the most influential Realist writer of the 19 th century, was born on 26 February.
1802年2月26日, 最具影响力的19世纪浪漫主义文学作家维克多·雨果诞生.
The novel entitled The Miserable was written by an eminent French writer, Victor Hugo.
In Hugo's wake, all new shoreline houses are required to meet stricter, better - enforced codes.
在雨果的后, 所有新的海岸线房子必须符合严格的, 更好的强制执行的代码.
The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. ( V. Hugo )
生活中最大的幸福是坚信有人爱我们. ( 雨果 )