But these thoughts were quickly banished, for the regular editor walked in!
可是这种念头很快就被撵走, 因为常任编辑进来了!
All five permanent members have exercised the veto right at one time or another.
The competi - tion , generalist, neutrality and permanence are its basic principles.
竞争 、 通才 、 中立、常任是其基本原则,自创立以来,一直未变.
The problem of the Security Council is how to become more effective.
Is kidney failure permanent?
Stanley is our resident crossword fanatic.
This would include Libyan leader, Moammar Gadhafi , whose country holds a non - permanent seat on the council.
其中包括利比亚领导人穆啊迈尔-卡扎菲, 该国 是非 常任理事国.
At the Africa - France summit were leaders from three non - permanent members of the Security Council.
安理会的3个 非 常任理事国的领导人参加了法非首脑会议.
Currently, the other five non - permanent members are Burkina Faso, Costa Rica, Croatia, Libya and Vietnam.
目前其它5个 非 常任理事国是布基纳法索 、 哥斯达黎加 、 克罗地亚 、 利比亚和越南.
Even North Korea's most senior attendee, Vice - President Yang Hyong Sop, readily got to his feet.
即使最高级别的朝鲜方出席者, 最高人民会议常任委员会副委员长杨亨燮也起身鼓掌.
As easy fight permanent member of the Union, we can undertake any type of bulk cargo.
作为易拼联盟的常任理事成员, 我们能够承接任何种类的散货.
China a permanent member of the Security Council, voted in favor of the tighter sanctions.
作为安理会常任理事国, 中国对更严格的制裁投了赞成票.
They will be underpinned by Permanent Secretaries and a professional, meritocratic and politically neutral civil service.
他们会得到常任秘书长和专业 、 优秀和中立的公务员辅助,开展工作.
It lies in the all - powerful Security Council or , more precisely, with its five permanent members.
说得更明了些,这有赖于有着五个常任理事国 、 全能的安理会.