
    • They are the mock - school in the poetry and prose.


    • Du fu was the renowned master of Chinese poetry.


    • Eliot s great work The Waste Land shakes the poetry circle for its captivating thinking power.


    • Faulty sentence poetry and Xue pan style are having a contest at present.


    • It is observed the round moon the and modern parnassus, and itattached to the Chinese poetry.

      可以说,那一轮千秋明月照彻了诗坛古今, 与中国古代诗词结下了不解之缘.

    • Such as Zhao Lihua, Yang Li, Yi Sha, Shen Haobo etc. ( could choose poets freely ).

      你如何评价当代诗坛中的一些“口语诗人”,比如赵丽华 、 杨黎 、 伊沙 、 沈浩波等 ( 可自行举例 ).

    • Du Fu, Gao Shi are the poets who lived on the Tang Dynasty poetic world.

      摘要杜甫、高适同为活跃于盛唐诗坛上的诗人,相互间有数次同游, 并在交往中结下了深厚的情谊.