she sat down and made, as well as she could, a pair of little shoes out of some old pieces of red cloth.
她用旧红布匹,坐下来尽她最大的努力缝出了一双小鞋。Material, fabric: a week, in Changxing textile city overall smooth cloth market, price does not change.
里料、面料:一周来,在长兴轻纺城布匹行情总体平稳,价格走势没有变化。She invented and patented special arrangements of mirrors and concocted chemical dyes for her draperies.
她发明专利特殊的放射排列以及编排她的布匹的化学染色。At this time, it began to rain. The wool and cloth got wet. The cold and hungry business man tottered and tripped in the slough.
天降大雨,商人的羊毛和布匹被雨水淋湿了,他饥寒交迫地踉跄着,最后摔倒在泥泞中;Before the industrial revolution the hand-spinning of raw cotton into thread was the main bottleneck in the production of cloth.
工业革命以前,手摇纺线是布匹生产的主要瓶颈。Because of the heavy wool merchant but unable to bend down and cotton cloth to pick up take farmer with silver cutlery.
商人却因沉重的羊毛和布匹压得无法弯腰而难以捡取农夫拾剩的银餐具。Sell the cloth you to wholesale market's small commodity place many owners to recruit workers.
你到批发市场的小商品卖布匹的地方不少的业户都在招工。Fabric soft to bright color, and common clothing fabrics do not see any difference.
布匹手感柔软,色泽明亮,与普通的成衣布匹看不出有任何区别。Material, fabric: this week in Changxing textile city cloth trading is not smooth, and shrinking daily trading volume material in products.