People were logging in and feeling so energized to see Gaza trending already, so they boosted with great tweets.
人们登入网站时看到加萨趋向上升而被激励,所以他们发出大量推讯。When users click on a promoted trending topic, they are brought to a search results page, where the page is topped by a promoted Tweet.
当用户点击一个含有推广关键词的热门话题时,他们会被带到一个搜索结果页面,页面顶部为一条推广推讯。I can't imagine Twitter would insert all the media shared on Twitter into your actual stream, that would be ridiculous.
我是不能想象Twitter会把所有推友们分享的多媒体全部插入你的日常推讯中,那真是太可笑了。The new Twitter. com constantly checks for new tweets and indicates the number of new tweets posted since you last checked the page.
新Twitter.com网站会经常检查新推讯,显示出你上次检查之后新发布的推讯数。And its method for retweeting doesn't let you add your own comment to the tweet you're retweeting, or reposting to your followers.
其锐推模式也不允许你在锐推推讯时添加评论。India, the fourth Twitter nation in Asia, represents less than 1% of messages.
印度在亚洲排第四,推讯份额不到1%。Here, l is some constant amount the number of tweets available increases.
l是某个常量,代表增加的推讯数。live Presidential Debate videos. Real-time search results inside Google and Bing.
tv总统辩论直播中的推讯流、Google和Bing中的即时搜索结果。Of these tweets, I had a probability coefficient of 0. 45.